Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jack is Almost 5 Weeks Old

Little Jack is changing so fast. He is so cute! Brandon has nick-named him "Spike" (for his spikey dark hair). I'm not so fond of Spike.. I've been calling him BooBoo:)
It has been really busy around here. Since I've had the baby, I STILL haven't slept laying down, or in bed for that matter. Just like Sam, the baby will ONLY sleep on my chest in the recliner... (that is WHEN he sleeps). Also, he loves to be wide awake from 1 AM to 3:30 AM. Yippee! It will get better, but I swear I'm running on fumes. I'm so lucky though... I have two beautiful, healthy boys. What more could I ever ask for! :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Colors

I just thought that I would take a few shots of the beautiful Fall colors here in The Wood River Valley today, however these pictures don't even begin to do it justice. I guess you just have to be here.
When I got home from taking these shots, and getting Sammy from school, I learned that Brandon's  Grandpa Loveland passed away. Although I haven't known him that long, it makes me very sad. He was a cool guy- he probably would have liked these pictures seeing how he truly loved the outdoors. It's really a shame that he didn't get to meet baby Jack. I know he is looking down on us and smiling though. Rest In Peace Grandpa Loveland.. you will be missed.

He's So Strong!

Peanut is so strong!! He can already hold his head up pretty well:)

Sammy's First Haircut



Sammy got his first hair cut yesterday. It was about time... his hair looked like a helmet! The teachers at his preschool said that kids were always asking him if he was a boy or a girl, which was no surprise to me. That had been happening at the pool all summer. It was just so hard to cut those baby curls, but Sam is growing up, and I think his new cut looks great! He was so good- he didn't even cry!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cookies For Sam's School

I made these cookies for Sam's "Storybook Day" at his school. They were a lot of work, but the kids loved them... they even made me a thank you note. This makes me smile:)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jack Was in The Paper

Jack's birth was printed in last Wednesday's paper
(Idaho Mountain Express)

Swords Into Plowshares

This guy painted this mural about a block from my house. I stopped by to talk to him one day bacause he caught my attention. He had two rigs parked out there: one was a VW pick-up truck and he had set up scaffolding three teirs high in the bed of the truck. I guess he could just move his rig to get the scaffolding where he wanted it. The other truck was a Chevey Apache. It looked like Brandon's old 71 Suburban, but it turns out that it was even older. The Apache was made BEFORE Chevey made Suburbans.
Anyways, we got to talking and he was cool.. we both had attended Burning Man many years ago, but this guy was much older than me. I asked him who he was painting this mural for, and he told me that he was just doing it for fun.
I guess "Swords Into Plowshares" is something from the bible... I'll have to look into it.

At the park

Fall Leaves

We walked to the park yesterday evening. The girl that I asked to take a picture of us, clearly did not understand that I meant ALL of us. Poor Sam is hardly in the shot.

Me and Jack

Brandon went hunting this weekend, so it's just me and the boys. I love saying that: "the boys"... haha)
When there's nobody around to take pictures of us, I often take pictures of myself (vain, I know).. that's why they're always so blurry.
It just seems like the baby is changing SO MUCH every day. I don't want to miss one shot!

Hi, I'm Jack

Pictures From This Week

This week has been pretty crazy. Boy!  Having TWO little ones is way different than one! At least Sam is feeling better and he went to school three mornings this week... that offered some relief.. but man how those mornings flew by!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Jack Is 2 Weeks Old

The best Invention Ever!

Right now, this refrigerator lock seems like the best invention ever! Gigi & Pop found it for us, and it is INVALUABLE for keeping my biggest monkey OUT OF THE REFRIGERATOR!

Sammy is a GREAT Big Brother!

I know it has been rough for Sam to share his attention with his baby brother, but he is adjusting very well. It helps that he goes to school sometimes, and we have been trying to give him lots of special love:)

Overall, Sam is a great little boy, and he loves the baby. He likes to give Jack kisses and put his pacifier in his mouth when he is crying. They are so cute!

Our Little PEANUT

I love this picture, and actually considered it for Jack's birth announcement.. but i picked a different one.. you'll have to wait and see:)

I swear, there is wisdom behind Jack's eyes. He's so alert. From the moment he was born, he has been looking around and checking things out.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sam is Adjusting to His New Brother

Sam says, "baby!"

At first I think Sam didn't know what to think of his new baby brother, but I think he's warming up to the idea of having a little brother. He likes to give Jack his blanket or pacifier when he's crying, and he takes the dirty diapers to the garbage for mommy. He strokes little Jacky's head and gives him little kisses... and that's how Jack caught Sam's cold this week... oops!

Me & The Kids

Last weekend was just simply a BLAST! Lucy-Lue and my parents came to Idaho to see us and meet baby Jack! I was SO TIRED in this picture, but my parents were great.. by the end of the visit I was well rested and VERY taken care of. It was also very cool to see Sam really connect with Lucy and his Gigi & Pop. He would just light up whenever he saw them! And Lucy was such a good girl.. she was great at sharing the attention with the other kids. It was just so much fun:)

Sam's Special Trip with Lucy and His Gigi & Pop

I LOVE this picture! Sammy loves his Pop!

On Saturday my parents did the coolest thing: They took Sam out with them and Lucy so that they could spend some time alone together (and I took a much needed nap:) I loved that they did this because the only REAL way to get to know Sam is for him to be away from his Mommy & Dad. 
They took him to Mc Donalds and got him a happy meal (Sam's Favorite special treat)! They went to the park...
...and to the Sun Valley ice rink (I love this pic of Sam and Lucy- they are SO CUTE together)...

...and they fed the ducks! They had a great time and Sam was so tired when he got back home. 
I don't think I have ever let Sam go out with ANYBODY, other than me and Brandon, in his whole life! Yes, I know... a little over protective! There was nobody more perfect for the job than Lucy and his Gigi & Pop! He had a blast, and I was so touched that my parents wanted to do that!


Little Jack loves his binky, or as Gigi calls it, his "choney" (makes me think of underware). Hehe

Gigi is A Natural!

This is THE BEST picture of Gigi and little Jacky! Jamie is just such a natural with my babies... I'm telling you!!! Jack was so little and Jamie just scooped him up and knew exactly how to help & what to do. Which I  GREATLY appreciate, by the way because it was pretty hectic trying to juggle Sammy and a new baby, especially being as tired as I was! I love how much my parents love my babies.. it's so sweet to see!