My dad (aka "Pop") came to visit us this weekend. It was SO GOOD to see him. I REALLY miss my family and I wish we lived closer.
We had so much fun! We went out to eat a buch of times, and we went to Twin Falls and went shopping.. yea! Pop got Sam this awesome tricycle. It's a little big for him, but he still loves it. He sits on it and scoots arond the house. Brandon is trying to add some blocks to the pedels so that he can reach them. The cool thing is that it comes with a handle so I can push him around the neighborhood (if it ever stops raining- lol).
Most importantly, it was just SO GREAT to see my Dad and spend some quality time with him. It's just never long enough, but we had a blast! He is so much fun and he makes us laugh. I love you Dad!