Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuesday, Feb. 22nd: Joyce L. Donchess passed away

On tuesday, my mom died.
-I love you mom... always have, and always will... dispite everything. I wish I could have seen you or spoken to you before you died; and I am so sorry that you had to die alone. It gives me comfort, however, to know you can be happy and free, now that you are in a better place.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I love it here. It's SO beautiful!

Look! The mountain spells "rip"... it actually spells "trip" if you fly above it, I think. 


This is the view from Brandon's job site, north of Ketchum... I took a few shots then used a program to "stich" them together.

Some Pics From February

Sammy helped me make some Valentine's Day Cookie's for his school... even though he was too sick to go to the party:(

Doesn't this just say it all- lol!

4 Wheelin' With Sam.. (well, kinda)

Last week, when the roads were dry, I took Sammy and Jack outside so Sam could ride his 4 wheeler. It's so funny because he still can't steer, so he stands up and moves his 4 wheeler in the direction he wants to go.

Jack is Using His Bouncer

Tuesday, February 15, 2011