Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Little Jack Charles was our biggest gift this year.
Sam had no problem ripping open his presents.

He loves his cars:)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jack and his Daddy

Brandon's Parents Came After Christmas

Brandon's parents came after Christmas, and we has lunch and opened presents. It was fun! Then, we actually managed to get a picture of them and my squirmy little boys.. yeah:)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Things Are Calming A Little Bit...

... but still kinda crazy... still sharing a car.. Ahhh! Oh well, we are looking forward to Christmas:) Until then, here are some cute pics:)

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Potty Time!

Sam has been showing signs that he is ready to use the potty (according to the books I've read), so we thought we would give it a try. After about 12 wet "underwear" this morning, we finally had success! We will see how it goes, but I'm so proud of my little boy.

I have to laugh at myself....and if you were a fly on the wall at our house, you would be laughing too. Here I am trying to nurse a naked crying Jack and at the same time I'm running after Sam's naked butt. Oh, it's quite a circus around here, but it's fun to see my little Sammy becoming such a big boy:)
Now, If I could only teach him to shovel snow.. hmmmm. LOL ;)

Friday, December 3, 2010

We love you little Jack...

.. you complete our family.

Smiles From Jack

Jack is really starting to fill out. He's wearing the same clothes that Sam wore at this age, so I would bet they are going to be similar in size. Who knows, Jack may even be bigger!? He's really smiling and cooing. He like to say, "awww goo." I still can't belive I have kids... plural!

Decorating The Christmas Tree

We got our tree all decorated. Sammy helped.
A BIG thanks to my friend Shanon for giving us this nice little tree, and the beautiful flowers too! Thanks Shanon, you really brightened our day :)