Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gigi & Lucy

Mom/Jamie/Gigi just loved little Sammy. She was so sweet to him. Jamie is THE BEST Gigi ever! She had all sorts of baby goodies, food, and toys for Sammy (and me) when we got there and we just made ourselves at home. Sam had his first taste of apple juice, melons, popsicles, and cake & ice cream while we were at my parents. It was so much fun!
Lucy... Sammy's 3 year old auntie!... was so cute. She'd say, "hi baby Sammy," and give his head sweet little kisses. I think it might have been a little difficult for her to share her attention with Sam but she did a great job!
On another note... I love how Lucy is often shirt-less:) HA HA
We love you Gigi and Lucy!

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