Last night I was up several times with Jack (like usual), and I kept watching the snow fall and the wind blow. Man did it get cold here ...fast! This morning we woke up to at least a foot of snow. I can't believe it... and it's still snowing! Tonight we are suppose to have record lows. Something like a low of 4 degrees with wind chill making it feel like -18 degrees!!! I am super worried about our poor little chickens, which by the way have been spared. We were planning on killing them, but it just seems like a lot of gruesome work, so I have found them a good home. I am much happier with this decision. The butcher at Albertsons as going to take them home. No, not to kill them, but to keep them. In exchange, he will give us 7 Albertson's chickens. Hardly free range, but at least our chickens get to live and lay those lovely eggs for someone else. With the new baby it's just too much work and money for me to keep those chickens warm all winter, but they were fun for a while. Man, if those ladies only knew how close they came to being dinner, they sure would be thanking me!
Today I got Sam all dressed in his new Volcome shirt and Hurley pants that Gee Gee got him. I tried to take a picture, but he wouldn't let me. He had his snow boots and mittens on and he was off to school with Daddy. Then I got phone call from Brandon; school was closed today due to snow. Duh! I should have known. His little school closes if the local elementary schools have a closure and I forgot. Poor Brandon had to come all the way back to Hailey and return Sam. Even with Gee Gee's help, my surgery has been kind of difficult on all of us... I just can't pull my weight around here and it has meant more work for Brandon. I know it's good for him, but I can't wait until I'm back to normal. For example, I'm going to have to find a creative way to give Sammy a nap today since I can't lift him into his crib. I wonder if he will lay in bed with me? we'll see. Taa taa for now:)