Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Little Jack Charles was our biggest gift this year.
Sam had no problem ripping open his presents.

He loves his cars:)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jack and his Daddy

Brandon's Parents Came After Christmas

Brandon's parents came after Christmas, and we has lunch and opened presents. It was fun! Then, we actually managed to get a picture of them and my squirmy little boys.. yeah:)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Things Are Calming A Little Bit...

... but still kinda crazy... still sharing a car.. Ahhh! Oh well, we are looking forward to Christmas:) Until then, here are some cute pics:)

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Potty Time!

Sam has been showing signs that he is ready to use the potty (according to the books I've read), so we thought we would give it a try. After about 12 wet "underwear" this morning, we finally had success! We will see how it goes, but I'm so proud of my little boy.

I have to laugh at myself....and if you were a fly on the wall at our house, you would be laughing too. Here I am trying to nurse a naked crying Jack and at the same time I'm running after Sam's naked butt. Oh, it's quite a circus around here, but it's fun to see my little Sammy becoming such a big boy:)
Now, If I could only teach him to shovel snow.. hmmmm. LOL ;)

Friday, December 3, 2010

We love you little Jack...

.. you complete our family.

Smiles From Jack

Jack is really starting to fill out. He's wearing the same clothes that Sam wore at this age, so I would bet they are going to be similar in size. Who knows, Jack may even be bigger!? He's really smiling and cooing. He like to say, "awww goo." I still can't belive I have kids... plural!

Decorating The Christmas Tree

We got our tree all decorated. Sammy helped.
A BIG thanks to my friend Shanon for giving us this nice little tree, and the beautiful flowers too! Thanks Shanon, you really brightened our day :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ha! Just as I thought.. he loves cranberry sauce.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Good Morning Snow!

Last night I was up several times with Jack (like usual), and I kept watching the snow fall and the wind blow. Man did it get cold here! This morning we woke up to at least a foot of snow. I can't believe it... and it's still snowing! Tonight we are suppose to have record lows. Something like a low of 4 degrees with wind chill making it feel like -18 degrees!!! I am super worried about our poor little chickens, which by the way have been spared. We were planning on killing them, but it just seems like a lot of gruesome work, so I have found them a good home. I am much happier with this decision. The butcher at Albertsons as going to take them home. No, not to kill them, but to keep them. In exchange, he will give us 7 Albertson's chickens. Hardly free range, but at least our chickens get to live and lay those lovely eggs for someone else. With the new baby it's just too much work and money for me to keep those chickens warm all winter, but they were fun for a while. Man, if those ladies only knew how close they came to being dinner, they sure would be thanking me!
Today I got Sam all dressed in his new Volcome shirt and Hurley pants that Gee Gee got him. I tried to take a picture, but he wouldn't let me. He had his snow boots and mittens on and he was off to school with Daddy. Then I got  phone call from Brandon; school was closed today due to snow. Duh! I should have known. His little school closes if the local elementary schools have a closure and I forgot. Poor Brandon had to come all the way back to Hailey and return Sam. Even with Gee Gee's help, my surgery has been kind of difficult on all of us... I just can't pull my weight around here and it has meant more work for Brandon. I know it's good for him, but I can't wait until I'm back to normal. For example, I'm going to have to find a creative way to give Sammy a nap today since I can't lift him into his crib. I wonder if he will lay in bed with me? we'll see. Taa taa for now:)

Jack Is 2 Months Old

Jack is 2 months old now. I can't believe it has been that long, especially because I am still recovering. He's really growing and fattinging up, and he smiles all the time. I just keep thinking how fun it's going to be when these 2 boys get old enough to play together.

Sam In His Room

cool man!

So when Gee Gee was here, we decided to open the baby gate in the hallway and start letting Sam play in his own bedroom. I hadn't let him before because the changing table was in there and he couldn't keep his little mitts out of the Vaseline, etc. But we moved the changing table and now Sam is free to roam. I must admit... it was a fantastic idea. Since Sam has this new freedom, he has been so much more agreeable and happy:) Maybe that's all he needed... a little more freedom!
He's so cute... he will shove me out of his room, shut the door, and play. I love it!


Last week I had surgery on my stomach to fix hernias I had developed during my pregnancy with Jack. Jamie (AKA Gee Gee) came all the way from California just to help me and my family! It was awesome, she was so great to us. She cooked, and did laundry, but best of all, her and the boys really got to know each other:) Not to mention it was pretty fun to see her infectious enthusiasm for Dancing With The Stars. I must admit... I caught myself watching it last night- lol.
Gee Gee left last Thursday night, and we miss her already. Sammy keeps saying, "bye bye Gee Gee."
She took such good care of us- we REALLY couldn't have done it without her- I just can't thank her enough!
So, Jamie... thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! We love you!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jack's Quilt From Grammy

Look at this AMAZING quilt Sharon made for Baby Jack! It is cowboy themed and SO COOL!!! Grammy is incredibly creative and talented. Actually, both Sharon and Shelly can make these amazing quilts that just shock the heck out of me! I really can't sew. Sharon taught me to make some pillow cases a couple of years ago, but I just am not a seamstress.. lol! I just LOVE this quilt and Jack will too:)

Grandpa Loveland

On November 1st, we went to Boise to attend Brandon's Grandpa Loveland's Funeral, and as far as I'm concerned, he was my Grandpa Loveland too:) Even though I didn't know him that long, he showed nothing but love and concern for my family and I love that about him. He was very important to Brandon and the rest of his family... it was hard to see everyone say goodbye, but also very beautiful. I was glad to be a part of it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Hoopla

Every year Hailey has the Halloween Hoopla. It's this event where you can trick-or-treat all the merchants, and it's actually really fun- kinda bigger than the actual Halloween night. So we walked downtown to go check it out. Sam was Elmo (bright costume.. not my favorite, but he loves it). I think he had a ball:)
It was good we went trick-or treating on Friday anyways, because we needed to go to Boise for Grandpa Loveland's Funeral during the actual Halloween, so it worked out.

Mommy and Jack in the spooky haunted house!

Friday Was A Good Day:)

So Friday was a good day. We made Halloween cupcakes in the morning- a mix that Gigi got for us- and Sam got to lick the beater. He had never done that before. Then, me, Jack, and little Elmo got ready to go downtown for Hailey's annual Halloween Hoopla!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jack is Almost 5 Weeks Old

Little Jack is changing so fast. He is so cute! Brandon has nick-named him "Spike" (for his spikey dark hair). I'm not so fond of Spike.. I've been calling him BooBoo:)
It has been really busy around here. Since I've had the baby, I STILL haven't slept laying down, or in bed for that matter. Just like Sam, the baby will ONLY sleep on my chest in the recliner... (that is WHEN he sleeps). Also, he loves to be wide awake from 1 AM to 3:30 AM. Yippee! It will get better, but I swear I'm running on fumes. I'm so lucky though... I have two beautiful, healthy boys. What more could I ever ask for! :)