Friday, October 8, 2010


After brunch we took a walk around Ketchum and came across this toy store. Lucy found a hula hoop and put on the most amazing hula hoop demonstration that I have ever seen. Me & Brandon were so impressed. You should see this little girl twirl this hoop... WHILE posing for a picture! It was amazing! And she's so cute in her pink shirt and her skinny jeans with pink sparkles in them:)
It was so nice to finally see Lucy-Lue again. She is really growing up to be such a sweet and polite little lady!
At our house, Lucy loved to play with Sammy's baby toys. My dad pointed out that these are toys she would never play with at home, but they were new to her, so she enjoyed them. Ya know, it's pretty cool that my parents have a little kid- they totally relate with my little kids, and they all play together. Sam just LOVED playing with Lucy, and visa-versa. He would scream and run in a circle when she came though the door.
Lucy enjoyed putting the bunny ears on the bus, connecting all the toys, and making a caravan to parade around the house. I guess you had to be there, but it was super cute!

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