Saturday, October 16, 2010

Swords Into Plowshares

This guy painted this mural about a block from my house. I stopped by to talk to him one day bacause he caught my attention. He had two rigs parked out there: one was a VW pick-up truck and he had set up scaffolding three teirs high in the bed of the truck. I guess he could just move his rig to get the scaffolding where he wanted it. The other truck was a Chevey Apache. It looked like Brandon's old 71 Suburban, but it turns out that it was even older. The Apache was made BEFORE Chevey made Suburbans.
Anyways, we got to talking and he was cool.. we both had attended Burning Man many years ago, but this guy was much older than me. I asked him who he was painting this mural for, and he told me that he was just doing it for fun.
I guess "Swords Into Plowshares" is something from the bible... I'll have to look into it.

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